The Digital Marketing Campaign Checklist

Before you start any digital marketing campaign, there are certain things you need to ensure. I decided to share a checklist I use when working on campaigns. You should work towards checking off every item or most of the items on this list.

1. Goal

What are you trying to achieve with your campaign and in what time frame? Write it down in plain terms and attach some metrics you want to achieve. This will guide you in achieving your goal.

2. Budget

How much you decide to spend is determined by your goals as well as your financial ability.

3. Talent

What do you need to achieve success with your campaign? Do you need a graphic designer, web developer, user experience and user interface designer, copywriter or PPC specialist? Make a list of all the people you’ll need to ensure your campaign runs smoothly.

4. Tools

What software do you want to use to deliver and measure the success of this campaign? What needs to be properly integrated with the tools you already use? Using the right software and tools is very important. Note the tools you’re going to use before you start the campaign.

5. Metrics

It’s important to measure and track metrics so you know how well your campaign is doing. How do you plan to measure metrics when your campaign starts? Do you want to use software or would you rather extract data from several tools and input them into a spreadsheet?

6. Tests & Optimisation

What experiments are you willing to run while the campaign is underway. Experiments are a great way to optimise campaign performance. They’re also great for testing new ideas you might have.

7. Other Resources

What other resources do you need? Do you need access to a website’s codebase or do you need to work with members of other teams in your organisation? Take note of these and work towards acquiring them.

Getting all of these in order before you start your campaign helps to ensure that things run smoothly and prevents unpleasant surprises. Is there anything I missed that’s on your checklist? Please leave a response and let me know.

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Growth, marketing and communications for startups in Africa. Looking to work with me or want to ask questions? Please email binjoadeniran[at]gmail[dot]com